Thursday, June 01, 2006

Whole lotta shakin' goin' on

Recently declared events that my brother has "supposedly" accomplished. He said they were all true...but Jack, Jim, and a few other pals might have led to his embellishing (sp?). Anyways, here are a few of his gems...My brother, I call him "Chic", has emphatically said he has:
- Counted to infinity...twice
- Holds the world record for holding the most world records
- Yelled louder than Jack Bauer
- Won a 4th grade spelling contest.......................................................................last week
- And so on and all I can say Chic is I'm proud to be your big brother.

On another note, I thought that because it is the "Month of Truth" I would share some pictures I illegally saved from copying them from the races official picture taker website...oh well.

This was the rainy and freezing Brandywine Duahtlon on April 9th in Delaware...good race, I felt like part of the Discovery Channel riding in France in the snow.

This one was at the NJ Devilman 1/2 Ironman where I had the ride of my life until I broke a spoke with 10 miles to go...let's not do that again...curiosity got the best of me as I entered T2 in this one.

This was a fun race in Cambridge , Maryland that took us along the Choptank River that flows into the Chesapeake and through the Blackwater swamps and wildlife refuge

And welcome to the nastiest show on looks bad in the picture but in reality it was probably 92-97 times worse to swim in. And yes, a snake, actually 2, swam by just before we entered...ah memories!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I must say before I leave that I'm most proud of my brothers and sister for being such cool people. They always have been, still are, and always will be my best buds...even if I keep losing to the youngest in golf and ping pong....but he still can't take me on in hoops, I got way to much game for him there. Nytro can vouch for that, I think I beat her in the 1st game 15-0 but she beat me in the 2nd game 16-14 on a miracle chuck from about half court (but I did give her a 14 point lead). Nytro...that was my last loss on the hoops court..I'm undefeated in my 8 years since then....hahahahaha. OK, sorry, back to what I was saying...and my sister is getting married August 5th and I'm so happy for her, I mean crap, she's been dating the dude for 6 years, I guess it's about time but I can't wait...well, yes I can...but I'm excited to see her in her wedding gown, I think I'll probably cry so I'm not gonna try not to! And I get to see her tomorrow as she's and soon to be hubby are flying to NJ for wedding shower (????), whatever that is, and the boys are getting a tux fit and going to the Harrison Day Parade. Harrison, NJ is where soon to be hubby is from so we should have a ball. And to conclude, as much as I wish I lived in the mountains or beach out west, it equals itself out by living out east because my family is spread out along the Atlantic shore so it makes it worth it.....TOTALLY! All right, not really sure why I decided to share pics or talk about family but they are the crew that fires me up and makes me want to do great things because I think I'm there example and that's alot of responsibility...but so gratifying when they do great things....Big Purp Out!


Blogger Unknown said...

wow, big purp! those pics are awesome. and, i would like it stated for the record that i've counted to infinity three times, and I hold the world record for holding the most world records. and i have a great ass. chic needs to check himself.

nytro, out!

12:05 PM  
Blogger Papa Tweet said...

Yo Purp,
That New Jersey water is naaaaaastyyy! And I thought my swim in Utah Lake this weekend was going to be risky. Nice post. I've been thinking of you alot today. I was thinking about how close you are getting to race day. You should be starting your taper pretty soon right? You are tapering right? I know how you get. Be smart on your taper. It will be your first instinct to doubt the taper. But, you have to trust me, the taper will work. It won't feel like it, and you'll feel out of shape, but I promise it will pay off. Take care

4:24 PM  
Blogger Rainbow said...

Just catching up on your blog. Just love the race pics. Mine never turn out that good. Oh and congrats to the sis. I think Aug. 5th is the best date to be married on. It will be hubby and my 6th anniv. this year. Well...more reading.

10:46 PM  

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