Monday, April 17, 2006

Fortune Cookie

Well, I'm going to give this a shot and see what happens. If all I do is write and get no response at least I'll feel like I'm keeping a journal for myself. Anyways, last night I ordered some chinese food which never tasted so good considering I had just gotten done with a nice 50 mile ride and post ride lift...and it was already almost 8pm. I usually can't go more than 3 hours without eating and here only a GU gel had sustained me since lunch. But the best part about chinese food is the dessert. MY FORTUNE COOKIE! And of course you can only have 1 fortune a night so I was excited for my cookie, not necessarily the cookie part but what's inside...kinda like cracker jacks. You know, the popcorn and peanuts are good but really you buy cracker jacks for the sticker or hologram or lick and stick tattoo. So I busted out my fortune and I decided I'm going to start a diary of fortunes...and if anyone has a fortune to share I would love to hear it. My said, in total appropriateness for my love of the ocean, "You cannot stop the waves, but you can learn to surf". I was like shucky ducky, I understand. I guess you can translate however you want but I figured hey, there's so many things out thereI can't control, things that could make you want to quit or run and hide but you just gotta find a way to adjust and move on...kinda like the saying goes, "if life give you lemons, make lemonade." SO I think I've found a new hobby to go along with my Tri training...fortune cookie telling!


Blogger Papa Tweet said...

Yo Shucky,
Let it be known that I was your first comment ever. Now, I expect some day when you are rich and famous from your triathlon success, that you will remember the little guy that got you started in the world of blog comments.

By the way, the post kicked ass. Unfortunately, I don't have any fortunes because I don't eat Chinese food. Too much MSG I guess.

Nice job on the first post and welcome to the blog world my friend.

5:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

shucky-ducky... i guess that makes me your second post ever. oh well, the early bird gets the worm, but the second worm doesn't die. damn, i should write fortunes

by the way, you should always finish your fortune cookie with the words "in bed". it's like some sort of a rule.

love the post. i'll be giving yo a shoutout on my blog as soon as I get around to posting again.

9:21 PM  

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